I was born on 31 August 20 years ago in small village called Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java, Indonesia.
Madura is famous for its "bulls race", I think you all know about this one. There always so many tourist who come from different country come in here just for to see "bulls race".
Playing game is the thing that I enjoy, its become my hoby now especially the RPG game. But my hobby is not only that, i like to read some comic, playing basketball and futsal although I'm not profesional but I like it, make a things like painting or some creation, and sleep hahahaha..... I think every body need sleep, right.
Here it is my CV :
Lukman Wahyudi |
Name : Lukman Wahyudi
Nickname : Loewyi
College Address : Trunojoyo University, Raya Telang’s Street PO.BOX 2, Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura, Indonesia
Interest : Design, Painting, Technology, Sport, Game, Blogging, Creation
Education :
* Elementary School of Kamal 1 (1996-2002)
* Junior High School 1 Kamal (2002-2005)
* High school 2 Bangkalan (2005-2008)
* S1 : Information Engineering, Trunojoyo University (2008 until now)
Email : loewyi09@gmail.com, lukman08119@yahoo.com
salam kenal ya Loewyi, tidur itu termasuk kebutuhan atau hobby ya :confused
@orang float : ya kalo tidurnya yang wajar - wajar aja dalam artian 8jam sehari, itu memang kebutuhan... tapi kalo kerjaannya tidur pulu lebih dari 8 jam, mungkin bisa di bilang Hoby.... :lol:
Hahaha ternyata itu ya wajah kaka....
@Anonymous : ya begitulah, itu wajahku... :shy
hey de',
it is a nice and great blog..
keep writing !
@rosenrain : hihihihihi..... thx mbak... :) i realy appreciate it. :)
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